
I suppose I first got the photography bug, back in 2011. Since then and taking that first photograph, using a HTC Wildfire, I have since been hooked on photography; and with so many technological advancements, within smartphones and camera's, it really has opened something up for me, which is the ability, to mix, technology (again another passion of mine), along with photography. The two, seamlessly together hand in hand. 

To me, photography is a form of art, it really is magic, and a camera is merely a palette, it is a visual form of painting, and with an eye for detail, it is not impossible to create a stunning photograph by looking at an object or a scene in a different angle. 

Throw in, to the mix, the exploration side of photography, and it really is interesting, art with no bounds, I think so. 


Three locations within "close proximity." But how the views had something different. The beauty of roadside photography.

Landscape Photography comes with many assumptions and one of those assumptions is that it has to be done in remote places; where very often ...